Elementary parents, our Student-Led Conferences are coming up on Monday, January 20

Monday, January 20th is an instructional day, but not with a regular schedule.  Instead, EC students will have an opportunity to meet on campus with their parents to present work samples and share about the progress they have made this year at our Student-Led Conferences.  During each 20-minute conference, students have an opportunity to present and discuss evidence of their learning and reflect on their goals for the remainder of the year.

Reminder – There are no regular school classes on Monday, Jan 2oth, but the expectation is that families will sign up for a conference time to take part in this unique classroom experience with their child.

These conferences are excellent occasions for students to:

  • engage families in richer, more transparent conversations about their progress and learning,
  • take responsibility and ownership for their learning by involving them in goal-setting and assessment processes,
  • increase their accountability and autonomy concerning academics and their habits of work and learning, and
  • strengthen student verbal communication and critical thinking skills.

Sign up here

The playground will be closed and no supervision during this time

We look forward to seeing each of you there!

Any questions, please contact ecoffice@vcs.ca


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