Board of Directors


Gregg Douma

Vice Chair

Peter Prediger


Ryan Leyenhorst


Melissa Porter

Board Member

Jonathan Ganson

Board Member
Kylee Howard

Board Member

Michelle Kwapis Lepp

Board Member

Laura Shaw

Board Member

Ryan Smith

Board Member

Amanda Perrier

Board Member

James Woller

Board Member

Joas Slagmolen

Board Member

Mark Tishenko


Parental input and involvement play a large part in the success of our school. Vernon Christian School operates in accordance with the lawful requirements set by the Ministry of Education of British Columbia and is independent from the local school district. As an independent, parent-run school, VCS requires a high level of parental involvement in the school’s operation and management. We welcome and rely on parents and guardians to become involved in and play an active role on the Board and committees.  

As a parent of a student at VCS you have stepped into a partnership that  is centred on equipping your child for success.

VCS School Board

Members of the Society may be elected to the School Board at both the fall or spring  Annual General Meeting.

Duties include:

  • Appointing, discharging and payment of teachers and the principal.
  • Supervision of all monies and the setting of the annual budget.
  • Determining the religious and academic curriculum in conjunction with the principal.
  • Supervising adherence to the requirements of the Ministry of Education of BC.
  • Appointing members to the various committees.


Maybe you’ve noticed that it’s a bit different being a part of an Independent school community –  your responsibility is greater. Board and committees are made up of volunteers  like you, who give their time and talents to partner with administration to create and lead vision for our school. We welcome your involvement and we encourage you – our parents and guardians to have open, productive communication with your child’s teacher, administration, board and committee members.  

Listed below are the various VCS committees that rely on parent involvement and support. Consider these placements as an opportunity for you to share your gifts and talents and helping to keep VCS a thriving, healthy school community. Please use email links to forward your inquiries.

Finance Committee

‘FiCom’ oversees the financial affairs of the school and provides financial guidance to the school administration. The committee’s responsibilities include reviewing the budget, monitoring the budget, and recommending adjustments to maintain a balanced budget.

Education Committee

As an advisory body, the EDCom works together to provide ideas and opinions to assist the principals in making VCS a better place for learning. Membership is voluntary, with parents and guardians electing their own representatives. The school principals, staff, and VCS members are encouraged to be involved, with all members working together to improve student achievement and success.

Development Committee

You may not know this but tuition does not cover all the expenses. Government funding & tuition covers daily operating costs. Projects for maintaining and improving facilities and innovative educational programs are funded through appeals and campaigns. The Development Committee works in conjunction with the Development Office to raise the dollars used to enhance the quality of school life for your child.

Maintenance Committee

Committee members provide expertise in dealing with issues of facility repairs, upgrades, and managing costs. They meet to examine problems and offer solutions with regard to buildings and best use of finances with regard to repairs and make recommendations in prioritizing repairs and upgrades.

The Maintenance Committee would like to hear from you… Help us keep our costs down! Painters, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, woodworkers, share your skills. Your gift of occasional time to help out on a project could result in big savings for VCS.  Please contact the committee today and let them know where you might be able to help.

Employment Relations Committee

The ERC  works to develop and foster a positive work environment for employees at Vernon Christian School. Input is sought on policies that relate to working conditions, salary, professional development and qualifications. Administration, staff, and VCS members are encouraged to be involved.

Parents in Action Committee

The PIA is parents who are interested in working toward the goals of enhancing the quality of school life for our children, increasing opportunities for parent involvement and fundraising for innovative school programs or equipment not covered by tuition.

Goals will be met primarily through:

  • Planning & implementation of parent-based fundraising activities and community events.
  • Encouraging parents to volunteer, fundraise and promote a strong school community.

Parents, grandparents and alumni are welcome to join the team. Please contact Jen at