
Welcome to the VCS Admissions process!

VCS is in the world-changing business…Province-wide testing and increased inquiries indicate that VCS is providing an education to take note of. We are preparing students who will be equipped to meet the needs and demands of tomorrow’s workplaces, communities, and churches. From Kindergarten to Grade 12, students are welcomed into our Christ-centred community and encouraged to find their unique role in God’s kingdom.

Important Enrolment Details

  • Applications for Admission are accepted starting in January for the following school year.
  • Applications are accepted year-round for new enrolment, but space is limited in some of our classes.  Contact us today for more information.
  • To begin the enrolment process for K to 12, follow this Enrolment Inquiry Link to send to our admission office.
  • For information about our international program and tuition fees please contact

Vernon Christian School uses the following criteria for assessing capacity for enrolment;

  • Class/grade size & composition
  • Children of VCS Staff
  • Sibling of current VCS families
  • Staffing model – teaching and educational support staff
  • Student support needs
  • Facility & resource limitations
  • Full and Associate membership
  • Families transferring from another Christian school
  • Families looking at full or partial family enrolment (applying for all or some children)
  • VCS Alumni families

Wait groups are available when a student/family has been approved, but placement is not available in their specific grade. A student will stay in the wait group for the current school year that they applied for and if a placement becomes available the family will be contacted. Once that school year comes to an end all students will be removed from the wait group and families will need to re-apply for enrolment for the following year.

New Enrolment

Thank you for your interest in our school. We welcome the opportunity to get to know your family better.

Inquiry into enrolment at VCS is a quick process:

  1. Complete the Online Inquiry
  2. Our Admissions Coordinator will contact you shortly.

Tuition Grid

Did you know?

A portion of your tuition is tax-deductible!

Choose your payment plan.

 Monthly pre-authorized payment plan OR

Pay full tuition before August 20, 2025, to receive a 2% discount

Tuition Cap?

For the 2025-2026 school year, the Board has deemed the maximum family tuition payable to be $14,900
(does not include bus transportation)


Contact us at or call: 250.545.7345 ext.14

Continuing Enrolment for 2025-2026

Important Details Regarding Continuing Enrolment:

  • Continuing Enrolment Questionnaires for all students will be emailed home January 1, 2025.
  • Check your email for your My School announcement.
  • The deadline for submission is Sunday, January 19, 2025, at midnight.
  • Continuing enrolment is defined as currently enrolled students. 
  • Up until January 19, 2025, currently enrolled students will retain a place in their respective classes.
  • All Kindergarten enrolment is considered “new”. If your family is currently enrolled in our school, you will be required to fill out an online application for your child entering Kindergarten. Please contact Savaya Hofsink at for this link. This Kindergarten enrolment is also due January 19, 2025.

Please note…Many of our grades are already full with very limited space in those that have any, we anticipate most classes maintaining or reaching capacity very quickly. Therefore, if your re-enrolment application is submitted after January 19, 2025, we cannot guarantee that there will be a space available for your child. If you have a unique situation that might make it impossible to meet this deadline, contact Matt Driediger, to discuss your circumstance prior to the deadline of January 19, 2025.

Please note, the bus route is planned according to the need for each school year. Final route details will be published in August. For more details or to indicate your intentions for the Bus Service, please contact Jen Cramer at

Preschool Enrolment

  • Registration forms for preschool students will be accepted starting in January.
  • To best support your preschooler, we are committed to 10 students/class. Space is limited.
  • To discover more about VCS preschool philosophy, governance and policies please review our preschool handbook at the bottom of the website page. 

Link to Inquiry for Preschool Enrolment
Preschool Program Offerings