There are many benefits to Christian schooling, including an excellent education, Christian teachers and families, and a positive Christian environment.
Our goal at Vernon Christian School is to help students find their place in God’s story – to discover their identity in Christ and to be equipped for work in His kingdom. Life in the classrooms and hallways of VCS is about the formation of a community mind-set. We know that as students are challenged to learn together, serve together, celebrate and even struggle together, they will be both stretched and nurtured, prepared for the journey ahead.
We believe that the goal of an excellent education is about much more than just knowledge – it is about transformation – shaping hearts for God and minds for truth.
10 Reasons Why VCS is the Right Choice for your Family:
God’s Word is Taught as Truth...
Education is not focused on possibilities but on certainties found in God’s Word. An education that uses God’s Word as its foundational text does more than produce spiritually-mature Christians. It makes them wiser and more knowledgeable – the goal of a great education.
Academic Achievement...
Our students consistently excel on provincial test scores. The benefits of a complete education offered at VCS is far-reaching and long-term. Stricter standards of behaviour are enforced and high academic standards expected opening more opportunities for future success and satisfaction. VCS exceeds the minimum Ministry requirements and School District 22 for hours of instruction per year for every grade. Students who graduate from VCS receive a BC Dogwood diploma and are fully equipped for university, college, Trade school or any other post secondary education path they choose.
Teachers Who Love the Lord...
Teachers are a school’s heartbeat. Its pulse. They are also among the most influential role models in students’ lives. Each one of our teachers has experienced a calling to the profession and ministry of teaching, and is committed to knowing, caring for & praying for their students.
VCS Community Shares Your Values...
Partnering with parents as an extension of the home. The Christian values you instil in your children are reinforced in our school and will assist your child to deal with a broken world. Together we prepare your child to be a Light in the world without succumbing to its troubles. Three key institutions that shape a child are the home, the church and the school. Children are served best when all three institutions point them in the same direction.
How We 'Do' School...
Our approach to all aspects of the educational process is distinctly Christian. From instruction and assessment to scheduling and discipline, our goal is to disciple students . Our community is here to mentor, to walk beside. We strive to provide the best in current and relevant educational practices, consistent with biblical truth.
Addressing the Whole Child...
Only an education that has the liberty to address the whole child — social, intellectual, emotional, physical AND spiritual –reaches the possibility of excellence. Our teachers and our education curriculum recognizes the unique, God given gifts and talents of your children, our students and challenges them to achieve their amazing potential. Each child has a name and a place in the heart of VCS.
Seeking God's Wisdom...
Our students approach all curriculum in their pursuit of the knowledge of God. All subjects are designed to assist them in their endeavour. The by-products of such an endeavour – Christ-like qualities such as wisdom, understanding, strength & love – are the God-given rewards… life-long assets. At VCS, God is invited into our classrooms and is active in our conversations & instructions.
Individual Attention...
We know your Child Our school is built upon knowing, caring & praying for each student. Because of this, VCS students do not fall through the cracks. We are quick to be responsive, sensitive and supportive to students who are struggling with their place whether it be academically, socially or spiritually.
Peer Pressure…
Make no mistake: your kids will be exposed to bad company no matter where they go to school. But in a Christian environment, they’ll be much less likely to find themselves surrounded by destructive influences, and far more likely to find positive ones.The positive influence of a child’s Christian peers has no substitute.
Name and a Place…
Intimate social and classroom settings encourage students to be participants rather than spectators. This is true not only in the classroom but also in extra-curricular programs where every student has a greater opportunity to contribute. All of our students possess a voice and talent and are encouraged to find it and share it. Our prayer is for each student discovers that they have a name and place in the heart of VCS.