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Vernon Christian School is
equipping students for a life of discipleship by providing excellent education in a Christ-centered community

The 3 Key Elements that define our Mission Statement are…
1. Christ-Centered Community

- partnership of school, home, and church
- biblical foundation for community standards and accountability
- grace-filled environment, built on relationship and shared vision
- spirit of service – time and resources
- commitment of encouragement, support and prayer
- uniqueness and giftedness of each individual is celebrated
- joys, as well as burdens, are shared through times of blessing and in times of suffering
2. Excellent Education

- biblical foundation of ALL curriculum & programs – content and practice
- deeply rooted in the knowledge that Christ is Lord and Saviour of creation and life
- aspires to high standards in all areas: curriculum, instruction, achievement, work habits, extra-curricular activities, facilities, finances, etc.
- addresses the whole student: intellectual, spiritual, physical, social and emotional development
- relevant and engaging learning experiences
- adapts to society’s changing demands and new understandings of how students learn
3. Life of Discipleship

- biblical literacy – understanding God’s Word
- responding to God with faith and obedience
- heart for service
- stewardship (environmental, political, economic)
- character – biblical standards of behaviour and morality
- cultural engagement – discerning and renewing society to build God’s kingdom
- wellness / healthy living
- discovering and developing vocational gifts and skills
- pursuing wisdom and justice