
I am honoured that you would prayerfully consider VCS for your son or daughter. This is a community where your Christian faith and desire for an excellent education intersect – where every subject in every grade can be part of a transformational experience for students and families, equipping them to see and live in God’s story. I look forward to sharing more about our school with your family.
Grade 7 to 12
Our goal at VCS is to help students find their place in God’s story – to discover their identity in Christ and to be equipped for work in His kingdom. Our Secondary Campus team strives to provide learning that is engaging and rigorous, so that students gain the understanding, skills and experiences they need to thrive.
Life in the classrooms and hallways of VCS is about the formation of a community mind-set. We know that as students are challenged to learn together, serve together, celebrate and even struggle together, they will be both stretched and nurtured, prepared for the journey ahead.
We believe that the goal of an excellent education is about much more than just knowledge – it is about transformation – shaping hearts for God and minds for truth.
More Than Teaching
Teachers are a school’s heartbeat. Its pulse. They are also among the most influential role models in students’ lives. Each one of our teachers has experienced a calling to the profession and ministry of teaching, and is committed to knowing, caring for & praying for their students. Because of this, VCS students do not fall through the cracks. We are quick to be responsive, sensitive and supportive to those who are struggling with their place whether it be academically, socially or spiritually.
A Name and a Place
Intimate social and classroom settings encourage students to be participants rather than spectators. This is true not only in the classroom but also in extra-curricular programs where every student has a greater opportunity to contribute. All of our students possess a voice and talent and are encouraged to find it and share it. Our prayer is for each student discovers that they have a name and place in the heart of VCS.
Our students consistently excel on provincial test scores. The benefits of a complete education offered at VCS is far-reaching and long-term. Stricter standards of behaviour are enforced and high academic standards expected opening more opportunities for future success and satisfaction. VCS exceeds the minimum Ministry requirements and School District 22 for hours of instruction per year for every grade. Students who graduate from VCS receive a BC Dogwood diploma and are fully equipped for university, college, Trade school or any other post secondary education path they choose.
Transformational Learning
At VCS the purpose of education is not information but transformation. Every unit and every learning experience is designed to invite students more deeply into God’s story, highlighting His truth in all subject areas. Our curriculum and instruction is based on the “Teaching for Transformation” (TfT) framework – an educational model that equips teachers with the best in current, relevant core practices and planning tools to draw students into meaningful and even life-changing learning activities. Grounded in a biblical way of thinking and being, TfT uses the principles of real work, meeting real need, for a real audience to help students discover and practice living-out what it means to be God’s people in the world.
Living in the Middle
Your child’s growth and development during the middle school years will set the stage for high school and beyond. At VCS we offer a smaller, more intimate social and classroom setting which allows greater opportunity for students to be participants rather than spectators and less opportunity to hide or become just another number. This is true not only in the classroom but also in extra-curricular programs where each student is encouraged to discover and refine their gifts and talents.
Our MS team strives to create an environment that fosters relationships within the group so that students feel accepted and valued by both teachers and peers. The goals for our MS program are to establish a sense of community, build individual character, encourage growth of unique gifts & talents while teaching students personal accountability
Yes! We have It!
We’ve been taking steps to make education at VCS not only excellent, but irresistibly engaging! Our intimate social and classroom settings provides a shorter bridge for students to cross and consider trying out new things.
YES we have it!
- Sports Teams
- Drama
- Music & Worship Opportunities
- Art
- Foods Program
- Middle School Program
- Community Service
- Social Skills & Counseling
- Busing
- Apprenticeship & WorkPlace Experience
- Leading Edge Technology
- Fully Equipped Wood Shop
- Auto Program & Facilities
- Metal Works Pro
Grad Profile
Vernon Christian School Graduate Profile
Vernon Christian Secondary School acknowledges that parents have the primary responsibility for educating their children. We walk alongside and support families in educating young people to have a Heart For God and a Mind for Truth.
It is the desire of the Vernon Christian School Community to honour God by graduating students who are:
- Striving to nurture, develop and apply their Biblical worldview in all facets of their lives.
- Loving neighbours and socially responsible citizens, who display Biblical principles to honour the diversity of all people created in God’s image.
- Honest and effective communicators, who are able to access, synthesize, and express their understandings in a variety of ways to a range of audiences.
- Democratic participants, who, as Canadians and global citizens, love godly justice and mercy, and act in ways that are considerate to the needs of others.
- Creative, innovative, knowledgeable, and skilled active learners, who demonstrate high standards of performance and a commitment to lifelong learning.
- Humble servants of God and community contributors who willingly serve others and take the initiative to improve the quality of life for their neighbours, local and global communities.
- Wise decision makers who practice Biblical discernment.
- Collaborative workers, who demonstrate courage and strong interpersonal skills.
- Healthy human beings, who demonstrate personal spiritual, intellectual, physical, social, and emotional well-being.
Contact us if you would like more information about our graduation program or admissions at VCS.