Start Time (M/W/F)
- Elementary Campus (EC): 8:20am bell
- Secondary Campus (SC): 8:30am bell
Start Time (Tu/Th)
- Elementary & Secondary: 8:55am bell
Entrance & Exit Plans
Elementary Campus:
- Preschool to Grade 4: External door use in each classroom
- Grade 5 & 5/6: West gym entrance (lakeside)
- Grade 6: Enter through portable
Secondary Campus:
- No designated entrances/exits
Mid-day Breaks
Elementary – Staggered Breaks
- M/W/F:
- Break 1:
- K-2 → OUT 10:20-10:40, EAT 10:40-10:55
- 3-6 → EAT 10:25-10:40, OUT 10:40-11:00
- Break 2:
- K-2 → OUT 11:55-12:25, EAT 12:25-12:40
- 3-6 → EAT 12:10-12:25, OUT 12:25-12:55
- Break 1:
- Tue/Thurs:
- Break 1:
- K-6 → OUT 10:25-10:45, EAT 10:45-11:00
- Break 2:
- K-6 → OUT 12:10-12:40, EAT 12:40-12:55
- Break 1:
- M/W/F:
Secondary – Shared breaks (no cohort requirement)
- AM Break (Mo/Tu/Th/Fr): 10:05-10:15
- LUNCH (Mo-Fr): 11:40-12:15
- PM Break: 1:35-1:45
Designated rooms/zones (lunch & breaks):
- Lunches can be eaten in common areas: hallways, Commons, lobby, etc
Wednesday Chapel Schedule:
- High School: 10:00-10:40
- Middle School: 10:55-11:35
- Elementary Chapel time will be announced each month
Day-End Staggered Dismissal:
- Primary (K-2): 2:50pm
- Intermediate (3-6):2:55pm
- Middle School & High School (7-12): 3:05pm
Upon dismissal, students report to parent in parking lot.
2:50-3:15: teachers supervise & support dismissal & outdoor transition.
- Elementary Campus Students Only: 2:50-3:05pm
- Secondary Campus Students Only: 3:05-3:15pm
For parents with both EC/SC students: please arrive at the SC pick-up time. Parents are encouraged to vacate the campus as soon as possible at pick up time to avoid crowding and alleviate traffic congestion.
SC After School:
- Campus will close at 3:20pm – students should exit to transportation.
- Supervised spaces will be provided for students who have staff permission to stay later (ex. athletics, after-school clubs).
EC Supervision/Playground Schedule
VCS offers supervision before and after school for specific times, as well as during recess and lunch breaks. During these times, the school will be responsible for students in the building or at specified outdoor areas. See above tab for recess and lunch break schedules.
Before School: supervision in the playground and on the west side of the building
- M/W/F 8:00-8:20am
- Tu/Th 8:15-8:55am
After School:
- 2:50-3:15PM: supervision in the playground
Prior to 8:00am and after 3:15pm, parents are responsible for their children and are expected to be present.
Traffic Flow and Parking
To assist with the flow of traffic this year, please adhere to the following instructions:
- Please follows the markings as indicated in the diagram below:
VCS Parking Lot
- Lane 1: designated lane to the Preschool and K-2/Appointment Parking Spots
- Lane 2: drop-off/pick-up ‘staging’ lane and for merging in/out of the drop-off/pick-up lane
- Lane 3: drop-off/pick-up ‘staging’ lane
Please review the following information regarding our parking/pick-up/drop-off procedures:
- Parents with EC only children are at campus for pick-up between 2:50-3:05pm.
- Kindergarten – parents pick-up students at exterior door
- Grade 1-2 – option to either have children proceed directly to parking lot or have parents pick up at playground
- Parents with at least one SC child do not enter the pickup lane before 3:05pm.
- Cars in the pick-up lane always pull as far forward as they can before stopping along the curb, and move forward as soon as a gap opens in front of them.
- Students are diligent to watch and wait in a place where they can see that their parent has arrived in the pick-up lane.
- Please have children exit/enter the vehicle on the passenger side whenever possible.
- Never leave your vehicle unattended in any of the lanes.
- Do not stop on crosswalks at any time.
- When exiting the parking lot, please turn right between 8:00AM-3:30PM.
- Cell phones should never be used while driving.
- Traffic attendants will help direct vehicles & pedestrians during drop-off and pick-up.
- Students who are waiting in the upper lot are to remain on the sidewalk and not play on the grass hillside.
Parking Spaces
- Please remember that parking stalls are reserved after school for Gr. PreK-2 parents until 3:05pm.
- After 3:05pm, stalls are available for any parents/guests as needed since the vast majority of K-2 parents have left with their children.