
Whether you’ve attended Vernon Christian School or you were a parent/ grandparent – YOU are a VCS alumni or an alumni friend.  And that makes you  a very important part of our school! We are seeking to reconnect with each one of you and be more proactive in our role to involve and engage alumni, extended family and supporters of Christian education into the life of our school. When in town – please take the time to drop by and say hello!

Alumni Benefits & Privileges

  • Class Reunion Support
  • Rental of VCS facilities to host reunion events – free of charge.  
  • Open invitation to school events
  • VCS Connects – our semi-annual newsletter

Share your details… Get connected with newsletters, reunions and other community events and happenings.

    Your Name and Middle Initial (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Address (required)

    Your City (required)

    Your Postal (required)

    Please tell us ‘who, how & when’ you are connected to VCS

    Your Phone (required)

    2 Facebook pages for you to visit & join…

    Vernon Christian School:

    The VCS facebook page is not set up to share the same way most pages do- so liking us does not post your profile on our page but it will keep you up to date about the latest happenings at VCS.

    Vernon Christian School Alumni Group:

    Share and connect with classmates near and far. Add to the fun and find a ‘then’ and ‘now’ photo to post and get the conversations started.