Vernon Christian School Graduate Profile
Vernon Christian Secondary School acknowledges that parents have the primary responsibility for educating their children. We walk alongside and support families in educating young people to have a Heart For God and a Mind for Truth.
It is the desire of the Vernon Christian School Community to honour God by graduating students who are:
- Striving to nurture, develop and apply their Biblical worldview in all facets of their lives.
- Loving neighbours and socially responsible citizens, who display Biblical principles to honour the diversity of all people created in God’s image.
- Honest and effective communicators, who are able to access, synthesize, and express their understandings in a variety of ways to a range of audiences.
- Democratic participants, who, as Canadians and global citizens, love godly justice and mercy, and act in ways that are considerate to the needs of others.
- Creative, innovative, knowledgeable, and skilled active learners, who demonstrate high standards of performance and a commitment to lifelong learning.
- Humble servants of God and community contributors who willingly serve others and take the initiative to improve the quality of life for their neighbours, local and global communities.
- Wise decision makers who practice Biblical discernment.
- Collaborative workers, who demonstrate courage and strong interpersonal skills.
- Healthy human beings, who demonstrate personal spiritual, intellectual, physical, social, and emotional well-being.
Contact us if you would like more information about our graduation program or admissions at VCS.