Nearly 30 years ago I had the privilege of interviewing for a Gr 2-3 teaching position at the elementary campus. Having TOC’d several times during the spring of that year I had a sense that Vernon Christian School embodied the kind of culture and learning community that I could positively impact and flourish in as a young teacher. Over the years I have become part of the proverbial woodwork as I moved among assignments and roles. I taught in the classroom for many years and always enjoyed the opportunity to explore creativity and create the kind of environment where students were settled, affirmed and truly comfortable with their learning while being challenged appropriately. I didn’t have the verbiage then but now I would say that this was my ‘deep hope’.


I believe in lifelong learning and would be the first to say, humbly, that our students learn ‘in spite of us’ at times. That is God’s grace extended and poured out over our classrooms and school. In teaching and leadership at VCS I have always valued each stakeholder’s place in this amazing community. As a teacher it was the daily interaction with a truly stellar team of colleagues that sharpened and honed the teaching skills. As a leader it was the interaction with and encouragement from staff, board, and parents that provided fertile soil for growth. Throughout the years, that soil of community has been an incredible blessing. It is the deep investment in relationship that is a hallmark of my story within the Vernon Christian School community.


When I embarked on my journey as a new teacher in 1990 I couldn’t have imagined retiring from this noble profession. As this school year draws to a close, I am excited to share that I will be leaving my role at VCS and ‘re-wiring’ or transferring my skills into the real estate industry. This has been an area of personal interest and passion for years and I am looking forward to finding new ‘soil’ in which to flourish!


The many, many relationships cultivated over the years – students, parents, staff, colleagues, boards & committees, international agencies, prospective families, and donors – have all been incredibly life-giving. There are no words to convey the level of gratitude I have. To serve, to be known, and to be cherished in a community such as VCS is truly a gift.


I look forward to continued connection with the VCS community and pray God’s richest blessings as our school continues to hold His name high in our work in Christian education in Vernon.

Steve Onsorge




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