Attendance Reminder
As we start a new school year at the secondary campus, this is a reminder that in order for the VCS teachers and staff to best fulfil the mission of our school:  “equipping students for a life of discipleship by providing excellent education in a Christ-Centred community,” we need your child(ren) to be here each day, and on time!  Simply put, there are so many good things that happen here between the beginning and end of each day from Monday to Friday, we don’t want your child(ren) to miss out.  This includes Crew time, Chapel, assemblies, and of course – our regular classes.  All of these events and classes help to equip and disciple your child within the Christ-centered community of VCS that makes this school so special. So, please do your part to make having your child(ren) here each school day a priority, as we know that regular attendance and participation help create the best conditions for educational growth and well-being.
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