Announcement from Steve Onsorge

Nearly 30 years ago I had the privilege of interviewing for a Gr 2-3 teaching position at the elementary campus. Having TOC’d several times during the spring of that year I had a sense that Vernon Christian School embodied the kind of culture and learning community that I could positively impact and flourish in as […]

Thanksgiving Chapel SC

This year’s Thanksgiving Chapel at the Secondary Campus, coordinated by Mr. Hayes and Mrs. Konrad, was creative and wonderfully unique. A “Common Table” theme inspired the musicians to surround a table overflowing with fresh-baked pretzels amidst a colourful autumn display. The students and staff gathered around with singing and worshipping (and some of us couldn’t […]

Love for Orphans in Uganda

I am excited to share with you the great opportunity I have to travel to Uganda. Ever since our sponsored child, Vivian, came to sing as a member of the Watoto African Children’s Choir at Vernon Christian School I have desired to visit and help out at Watoto.  I will travel to Kampala, Uganda, arriving Nov. […]