It is vital that our VCS community – parents and students, play an active role in keeping informed of the day to day at VCS. Throughout the school year, staff will use a variety of means to communicate with the home regarding student progress and school happenings.
It’s important to be an active and informed parent. Bookmark the school calendar web page and become a frequent visitor to the NEWS page on the website at
Stay on top of what’s happening! Reminders will not always be delivered into your inbox as an email. And let’s face it, some of our kids are not the best at sharing school details. Visit the website regularly and take time to read your issue of VCS Links – and don’t forget out MySchool – there’s a link to get you there.
Parent Handbooks, information about the school, news and event info, calendar and staff/board/committee directory are also on our school website. Everything you need to know about life at VCS you can find here and if you can’t please let us know.