God Breathed
Dear Vernon Christian School Community,
Welcome to the 2019-20 school year!
We are basing our theme for this year on these two words: “God Breathed,” and are excited to explore the many passages in scripture that describe the breath of God, teaching us about His character and activity. In Genesis 2, for example, we read that “the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being”. Isn’t it amazing to think that God chose His very “breath” with which to give us life – something so gentle and intimate as breath, close and constant, filling us and reminding us with each inhale of his presence.
As a full staff team, we have been actively praying and preparing together in anticipation of school start-up. Two new portables are fully set-up and equipped, along with new teaching, support and Administrative Staff, to serve 415 students K-12. This is the first time that VCS enrolment has ever passed 400. Wow! What a blessing we have as a parent/staff community to partner in the education and discipleship of a growing, thriving student body.
With the Society’s endorsement at the June AGM of a vision for continued growth, the Campus Development Task-force and Administration team, under the direction of the Board are anxious to devote this year to comprehensive planning for campus expansion. We ask for your prayers and support as we seek to faithfully follow God’s unfolding vision for VCS.
My prayer this year is that God would deeply breathe His life into us as a community, not just for the school year ahead, but to empower us for decades to come as we design and build new VCS learning space in order to provide excellent, transformational, Christ-centred education to as many children as possible, filling Vernon and beyond with a people who have hearts for God and minds for truth!
Matt Driediger
Vernon Christian School