With one month under our belts, and routines settling in, the VCS board is excited for what this next season of growth will mean for our School. The VCS Board is actively seeking board director nominations:
- If you have a desire to serve God with your talents and are invested in the future of the school, we may have a place for you.
- Previous board experience or previous experience in leadership, human resources, finance, or capital planning would be considered an asset but not required.
If you feel that you could serve in this capacity or know someone who would be a valuable member to our school board, please contact us.
Other term specific projects where we need volunteers are in areas of finance, campus development, and governance bylaws.
If being a part of the School board or a specific task force is something you want to know more about, please contact any member of the board by October 31 or email Garry Hovius, Board Chair at ghovius@vcs.ca.
Board Members for this upcoming 2019/2020 year are:
- Chair: Garry Houvis
- Secretary: Liza Koshman
- Lisette Smid
- Rocio Alejandre
- Darrin Taylor
- Cheryl Saunders
- Ryan Leyenhorst
We are also looking forward to the upcoming educational opportunity that is offered to us by the SCSBC, Society of Christian School Boards of BC in early November. The board is excited to be sending both board and committee members to this event.