Parent Cafe: Duty of Student Care

CS parents check your MySchool email to RSVP

The Vernon Christian School board and administration would like to invite you to an evening of presentation and community conversation focussed on understanding the VCS Student Care Plan.  The student care plan is a process committed to the well-being of every student in our community. At Vernon Christian School, we firmly believe that all humans bear the sacred image of God, and therefore, we are called to engage with one another with dignity, respect, and honor. The physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being of all students matters deeply, and we recognize the unique challenges that some may face, including anxiety, grief, relationship conflicts, gender dysphoria, addictions, and other deeply personal or family struggles. In alignment with our mission to equip students for a life of discipleship, we seek to walk alongside students with compassion, truth, and grace, ensuring that they experience discipleship and unconditional love modelled in relationship.

Rooted in Jesus’ command to love our neighbor (Matthew 22:37-39), our Student Care Plan reflects our school’s commitment to fostering a culture of belonging, and a deeper sense of discipleship—particularly for those who may feel marginalized or vulnerable. We acknowledge that students’ struggles are complex, and while we provide care within our school environment, we also recognize the importance of collaboration with staff, parents, trusted mentors, and mental health professionals when needed. As parents, you play the most vital role in your child’s education and spiritual formation, and we desire to walk alongside you in this shared responsibility. We invite you to learn more about how we partner together to support students holistically, always seeking to reflect the radical and expansive love of God in all we do. 

Choosing to spend time together as a community navigating some challenging topics, comes with a range of emotions.  Anger, fear, sadness, distrust, and feelings of being overwhelmed by the “what if’s”, I believe are a normal part of the process.  Normal yet uncomfortable.  If there was a time when we could be a severely divided community, it is times like this.  Our hope as a board and committee is that we can rest in the truth of the gospel and the ways in which God has created us to live in community.  Logically we can know and understand this truth, yet living and relating with those who struggle with much of what our culture says is “right”, is where the deep wrestling occurs.  This will be an integral part of our evening together. 

  • Format: Table discussion with other parents in the VCS community.  We want to encourage each of us to introduce ourselves to new people and engage in healthy dialogue. 
  • To close the evening, we want to take some time to pray for the staff and admin that are present.  Asking the Lord to continue to give them discernment as they partner with us in leading out guiding our children through their important educational years.  

On Behalf of the Board, and the Student Care Task Force,
Pete Prediger

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