VCS is blessed to have outdoor play areas that afford students wonderful opportunities for winter activities. With these activities, which include sledding, come certain risks.
At the beginning of each sledding season, staff reviews sledding safety guidelines with all students. Students are encouraged to and are responsible for using the hill in a manner that ensures their own safety and the safety of their peers around them. To prioritize student safety, we require that students bring a helmet from home to wear when sledding at school. The type of helmet does not matter.
The school offers supervision in the playground area before school, starting at 8:15 am. NO Sledding will be allowed before or after school. During recess and lunch breaks, the sledding hill will be supervised when it is open. Read below for our sledding rules.
Sledding policy from the parent handbook;
VCS is blessed to have a facility that affords students wonderful opportunities for outdoor winter activities. With these activities, such as sledding, come certain risks. At the beginning of each sledding season staff review safety guidelines with their classes. All students are encouraged to and are responsible for using the hill in a manner that ensures their own safety and the safety of their peers around them.
- To this end, here are the expectations for all students:
- helmets are mandatory when sledding at VCS
- wear appropriate clothing for comfort
- use sleds that are safe for use (determined by staff) – no wooden or steel framed sleds are allowed to be used
- use the designated sections of the hill for sledding and returning to the top of the hill (typically demarcated by cones).
- sled/slide down staggered, always maintaining a safe distance between sledders.
- clear away to the sides of the lane once at the bottom of the sliding area.
Students who repeatedly violate these guidelines will not be permitted to sled on the hill for a period of time determined by a staff member.