The VCS Middle and High School students recently had a wonderful opportunity to donate their artwork to The Hamlets at Vernon, a long-term care home. This initiative aimed to brighten the space and create a more relaxed and enjoyable environment for the residents.
Students donated five beautiful pieces that showcased a variety of artistic talent that VCS has to offer. Among the donated pieces was a painting from the Grade 9 class, created as part of their novel study unit. The students learned about the importance and power of words, and through thoughtful prayer and meditation, they painted words like trust, hope, rebuild, and compassion onto canvas to incorporate into the artwork. Each student then chose a unique color to represent themselves, and poured the paint onto the canvas. This process represents words from God imprinted on their hearts, concealed from the world, and it is through their outward actions and expressions of God’s love that the world will witness their light and encouragement. This project emphasized the importance of the creative process over the final product, highlighting the spiritual and communal growth that occurs through artistic expression. The deep hope for this painting is that those who encounter the piece will feel God’s presence, and will be encouraged with hope and lasting peace.
Other pieces that were donated were “The Lost Sheep” by Tessa Rodermond, and “What Judas Left Behind” by Avrielle Gervais, in addition to a print of a watercolour piece by Emma Sholdice and a print of a personal painting by Zoe Hill.
The act of creating and sharing art holds immense value, as it blesses others and allows our students to contribute meaningfully to the community. Students were enthusiastic, demonstrating their excitement and dedication to this meaningful cause. Through their art, students have learned valuable lessons about giving, community engagement, and the transformative power of creativity. We are proud of our students for their generosity, and we look forward to continuing our partnership with The Hamlets.
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” – 1 Peter 4:10