Happy New Year! 
It’s now 2021.  As we think about the past year and all that has taken place, it is clear that the Lord has been unchanged, though things have changed quite a bit for VCS, it’s families, our community and our world.  
The Board would like to thank Matt Driediger and all of the Administration who seemed to keep going like energizer bunnies to lead our school through a time that no one could have imagined.  Ok, movie-producers imagined it, but few actually thought this would happen in reality!
The Board has been extremely busy throughout the fall amidst the increased workload that the Pandemic brought, and there is still much work to be done.  Some of this work involves planning for the years to come, and some of it centres around bolstering and updating our existing practices, policies and procedures to help the school to function in the most effective way possible, no matter what the challenge.  You have been introduced to the VCS Strategic Plan (which was the culmination of three years worth of data collection, focus groups and statement development) and the revised VCS Constitution and Bylaws.  You should know that the work continues on to update committee mandates, the Community Standards Agreement, and to develop policies that point to biblical direction in the face of today’s cultural challenges.  This is not always exciting work, but it must be done in order to provide the biblical framework within which the VCS Administration and staff can carry out our main objective which is outlined in our Mission Statement:  

equipping students for a life of discipleship by providing excellent education in a Christ-centered community

We had the honour of welcoming two new board members which is very exciting. Welcome to Laura Shaw and Glen Gaythorpe!  Both come with the experience and skill set needed at this moment in time to complement the current Board makeup and we are thrilled to have them!  We are grateful that Liza Koshman has been granted a term extension by the Society as her continued presence offers the Board continuity and experience.  We will miss Lisette Smid for her contribution to the Board, the Education Committee and various other ways she served behind the scenes at the school over the years.  She has been an example for us.
It’s important to note that the skill needs that would best serve the Board in it’s governance of the school do fluctuate.  Currently, we are blessed with giftedness in administrative function and building experience.  We are now looking specifically for volunteers to serve on the board and/or current committees who have experience or wisdom in finance or business, and also Human Resources experience.  If you are looking for a way to serve at VCS and have felt direction from the Lord to volunteer, we would like to hear from you.  Please contact Matt Driediger, Darrin Taylor or any other Board member to discuss where your gifts might best fit to bless the functioning of the school.
In 2021, may the Lord continue to hear us, and may we lean in to listen to Him in all that we do.
The VCS Board of Directors
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