Be in the know: Keeping Informed at VCS

It is vital that our VCS community  -parents, staff and students, plays an active role in keeping informed of the day to day at VCS. Throughout the school year staff, will use a variety of means to communicate with the home regarding student progress and other issues affecting their learning. Here are a few communication tools […]

2018-2019 Preschool Program – We have space available in our 3 & 4 year old class.

Vernon Christian Preschool has spaces available. Our 3 & 4 year old Preschool has spaces available for the Tuesday/Thursday 12:15:2:45  ($115 per month)   Perfect for siblings, cousins or friends! Plus this class introduces routines as well as a wide variety of play experiences. Fun & flexible- uniquely designed to meet and complement your young, eager learner. Follow […]