Stepping into the fray and proving they still got it… VCS Alumni takes on this year’s senior boys volleyball team.
Author archives: Corinne Remple
VCS Senior Boys Volleyball … Keep Tournament Trophy at Home
This weekend our Senior Boys hosted the first volleyball high-school invitational tournament of the year. It was a nervous start but the boys soon found their footing. Saturday was a confident day and winning was in their corner. 2 wins 2 loses and they finished second in pool play. Faced South Okanagan in the semi-finals […]
VCS September Highlights: from Matt Driediger, Principal
September has already come and gone, and Wow! What a remarkable month of “launch” activities at VCS. From our first day together at school as staff – when the full team started with a prayer walk throughout the classrooms, hallways, fields, playground, and parking lot – to now, I have felt so protected and empowered […]
Did you know?
It is vital that our VCS community – parents and students, play an active role in keeping informed of the day to day at VCS. Throughout the school year, staff will use a variety of means to communicate with the home regarding student progress and school happenings. It’s important to be an active and informed parent. Bookmark […]
Drum Roll PUH-LEASE… Your Support Brought VCS to a Whole New Level!
Ice Cream Social: A Screaming Good Time at VCS
Ice Cream Social… A screaming good time. Always fun to reconnect with familiar faces and put names to new ones! Here are a few highlights from the night…
Best First Day Ever: Doors Open at VCS for the 2017/18 Year
Doors opened at Vernon Christian School for the best first day ever! Bulging backpacks. Big smiles. And lots of laughter. It was a full day of school for VCS students – nothing like jumping right in! If you could base this one day for how this year is going to turn out… It’s going to […]
And now a word from our Athletics Director
Welcome back to another year of athletics at VCS. We are expecting a busy fall with 10 volleyball teams and 1 soccer team running
VCS Dress Code
As adults are expected to follow a dress code in the working world, so too, we believe VCS students’ adherence to a specific dress code prepares them for a transition into future career environments. Above all, the leadership of VCS desires to encourage an attitude in every student’s heart to dress in a way that […]
Mr D: Welcome to the 2017/18 School Year
Dear VCS Society, Welcome to the 2017/18 School Year “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries […]