Over 5 years ago the first Year End Appeal was written and mailed in an effort to reach out and bring a renewed awareness to the budgeting gap between tuition dollars and the school’s actual operating costs. Your support is helping to bridge that gap! And donations to this year’s campaign have created quite a stir… Thank you!
You gave to the 2016 Year End Appeal … and a total of $44,048 was raised. So far the following allocations have been made:
- Facilities & Maintenance will receive $20K
- Educational Equipment and Supplies is blessed with $10K
- Building Reserve will be gifted with $4K
Each year the VCS Annual Campaign runs from August to July. Dollars given to meet the Annual Campaign Goal ensures the affordability of Christian education and provide the necessary funds needed for VCS to run strong. And because of your support – this year’s annual campaign goal is over halfway!
The gap between tuition dollars and the school’s actual operating costs is filled through efforts like the Year End Appeal, Songs of Christmas, Spring FUNraiser and the fundraising efforts of the Parent In Action team and the Annual Campaign.
Putting your gifts to work! It’s as easy as 1,2,3… and 4
- Keeping tuition costs down
- Classroom enrichment
- Maintaining and improving facilities
- Addressing the long term needs of the school