Dear VCS Community,

On January 18, 2024, we officially acquired 7040 Pleasant Valley Road. 7.5 acres of land bordering our Secondary Campus to the north. An answer to countless prayers over many years, this land was seen as a critical step in the growth and advancement of the mission of Vernon Christian School: Equipping students for a life of discipleship by providing excellent education in a Christ-centered community.

As you and your family return to campus this September, you may have asked yourself the question “We need more parking and access! Why has development not started yet?”

The reality is that from the moment VCS acquired it, our building committee along with various consultants have been hard at work behind the scenes planning for the development of this parcel of land. Parking, flow of traffic, and future campus expansion are all part of the short and long term planning that this team of experienced developers is working through.

Before VCS can break ground on things like parking and driveways, proper approvals must be received from local and provincial authorities. Currently, the team is working through this process to have agreements in place and a clear timeline established in the coming months. Unfortunately, it is not a simple case where we can roll in the earth movers and put in a parking lot and driveway!

This land development is also closely intertwined with our planning for campus expansion at the Secondary Campus and, to an extent, these projects need to be worked on in tandem.

Please join us in praying for God’s guidance over all who are involved in this important project.

In Him,

Steve Gutknecht
Director of Development

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