August, 2024

Dear VCS Community,

The 2024-25 school year has almost arrived! The Administration, office staff, and teachers are entrenched in preparations, and greatly looking forward to the arrival of your children on campus.

The students will notice a number of campus improvements when they arrive, including new landscaping and covered seating areas between the middle school portables, as well as an outdoor amphitheater-style learning space on the retained slope east of the gym.

I want to invite all of you to join the full staff team on Friday, August 30, at 8:00am for a prayer-walk around and through our campuses.  We would love to have as many parents as possible join us for this tradition of actively inviting God’s protection, blessing and guidance for our community in the coming year (We will start together at the Secondary Campus).

Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the back-to-school updates on our website to be ready for school start-up on Tuesday, September 3. 

2024-25 School Theme – “Seek the Kingdom” 

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need” 

(Matthew 6:33, NLT)

In follow-up to our 2023-24 theme of “a time to cultivate,” it is tempting to shift our focus immediately toward a harvest.  However, we see often in scripture that God’s perspective and timeline is so different from ours.  Perhaps He’s not in such a rush.  Between cultivating and harvesting, there is a necessary season of waiting and watching – a need for patient faithfulness.  Similarly, Jesus invites his followers to resist a fixation on the fruits and blessings we so naturally crave, and to pursue His Kingdom and righteousness above all else, trusting him to provide for our day-to-day needs. 

So, please join us throughout this year as we strive to “seek the kingdom.”  May the Holy Spirit lead us all into a deeper understanding of what it means for God to truly reign in our hearts, and to guide us in making His desires reality through our community and in all of creation.

It is a great privilege to continue a partnership with you in the discipleship of your children, as we provide excellent education in a Christ-centered community.

Matt Driediger

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