Welcome to our new VCS families and also to our kindergarten parents! We are excited to have your child and family a part of our school community. We have some upcoming events that you will want to attend.


Jitters Cafe

Jitters Cafe for Kindergten Parents- Parents after you drop your child off at their kindergarten classroom door, plan to come to the elementary campus gym to attend our Jitters Cafe.  Refreshments and friendly faces will be waiting for you. This is a chance to meet our VCS
elementary staff and fellow kindergarten parents. Come join us on Monday, September 12th at 8:45 am in our school gym.

New Parents Orientation

Our VCS administration team is looking forward to meeting you at the New Parents Orientation (NPO) on Wednesday, September 21st, 7-8 pm at our secondary campus. It is a requirement that at least one parent representative from each family is in attendance. This evening provides our new parents with valuable VCS insight as well as answers to your pressing questions. The NPO is an important foray into life at VCS. Your attendance is a priority. Refreshments will be provided.

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