VCS is partnering with SUN (Slavic United Network) a non-profit started right here in Vernon to support families arriving from Ukraine to Vernon. We have joined The City of Vernon along with other businesses and organizations in and around Vernon to support families as they arrive in Vernon from Ukraine.

Let us be Christ’s hand and feet!

We will be collecting monetary donations to purchase gift cards that will be given to each family arriving in Vernon from Ukraine. Many families will be arriving in Canada with just the clothes they are wearing and maybe a small bag. VCS has been asked to support in providing gift cards for arriving families to purchase food, clothing, toiletry etc. You can bring money to the EC or SC office, or you can e-transfer to the school with any donation amount.


We know that 2 families are coming to Vernon!

  • One just arrived with 3 adults and 2 children
  • Another family arrives on May 28th 2 adults and 2 children

Donations will be collected starting this week and can be brought to our elementary, and secondary offices, we will also be accepting e-transfers.

E-transfer to:
Security question:  What city is VCS located in
Answer:  Vernon
Comments: Please fill “Ukraine families VCS”


Check out SUN website for more information

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