What new parent doesn’t appreciate shopping where there’s reserved parking for ‘parents with small children or expectant moms’?
When we book a flight we have the option of flying in First Class – and with a price-tag to match!
If you enjoyed our VCS auction in June, you may have heard about the ‘Reserved Parking’ spot that was being auctioned off. We are excited to announce that the new signs have just been installed and the Cornies Family, Bozak Family & Any VCS grandparent! Yes! we received a blessing from an anonymous donor to have this spot reserved for any VCS grandparent that comes to the school. These families have exclusive use of the reserved parking spots in the top parking lot.
Congratulations and thank you for your generous donation!
Let’s all celebrate with them and respect the exclusivity of their parking spot. It’s only for a year…and who knows, maybe YOU can be next year’s winner!